Saturday, March 19, 2005

God Bless the "You Essay"

There's not much more one can say about life today, other than the fact that we are living in a super-fabulous world of wonder.

It's not just the sheer productive capacity! It's not just the way that we all trade in our massive motor vehicles every other hour - no, it's so much more.

It's the look of joy on a young person's face when Our Dear Leader's visage appears on the screen of the latest new telephonic device which is now attached to their amygdala.

This, dear friends, truly is the Best of All Possible Worlds.

And anyway, as a great humanitarian once said, There Is No Alternative.

Friday, March 18, 2005

A barometer for the brain

This keeps on happening.

You think you're standing still - in control, applying measured pressure to the dynamism that enriches our culture. But instead, the constant drip drip drip of ringtones and drop down menus begins to absolutely gutter your brain-pan, to the point that you have become the thing you most revere.

And the end result is that you become an embittered comedian: joyless, world-weary and ready to pounce if your food has not been prepared properly.

Because you're not paying them to screw up.

The last man standing

Well, you can't let time get you down. After all, the natural tendency of most people is to claw their way to wherever they're going and then complain when they get there.

But not all of us good, upstanding sorts, that is.

No, with our old-time religion, we bask in the glory of a mean-spirited, hateful god with no mercy and even less patience.

It's the sort of thing that keeps us going.